Produces a profusion of fluffy flowers all season long. Most common shade is lavender-blue, but colors also include pink, violet and white. Grows well in sun or partial shade from early summer to first frost. Excellent for rock gardens, flower beds and containers.
Read MoreHeight: 8-12"
Spacing: 10-14 -
Forms a wonderfully fragrant carpet of color which lasts from spring to frost. Requires a sunny site and well-drained soil. Water as needed to keep soil evenly moist. Excellent for beds, edging, rock gardens as well as mixed containers.
Read MoreHeight: 4-6"
Spacing: 10" -
Upright mounded herbaceous silver/grey foliage covered with daisy like flowers. It comes in shades of white, yellow, pink, red; with single or double flowers; single flowers have yellow center.
Read MoreIt requires full sun and fertile well-drained soil. It is excellent for patio planters, beds and borders. Attracts bees and butterflies. Deer resistant.
Height: 10-20"
Spacing: 10-14" -
Provides free flowering masses of color all summer in shades of white, yellow, pink and red, depending on the type. Begonias have very attractive waxy green or chocolate colored leaves.
Read MoreThere are two types of annual Begonia: semperflorens and tuberous, another type is Rex begonia. Semperflorens is the most popular one with round green or bronze waxy leaves and single or double flowers in shades of white, pink and red. Tuberous begonia grows from tubers and comes in a variety of colors and shapes. The blooms may be single or double; plain, ruffled or toothed; their petals may have crests or blotches of contrasting color. Rex begonia is grown for its spectacular leaves, which come in every color, pattern and shade, and every size and shape. Begonias require sun to shade, depending on the type and thrive in rich soil, allowing it to dry slightly between watering. Excellent for beds, borders and containers.
Height: 8"
Spacing: 9" -
Bracteantha, or also known as paper daisy, has daisy like heads with papery bracts. There are a number of varieties but the most common is the strawflower, available in shades of white, yellow, orange and magenta.
Requires full sun, but will tolerate light shade. Thrives in fertile, well-drained soil. Strawflower is free-flowering from spring to autumn. Suitable for patio planters and garden beds. Also could be used as a cut flower in floral arrangements, both fresh and dry.
Height: 10-18"
Spacing: 10-12" -
Celosia is a small genus of ornamental plants, similar in appearance to amaranths. There are three types of celosia – crested, plume and wheat. One bears brightly colored flowers that resemble a cock’s comb in appearance.
Read MoreThe flowers come in yellow, orange, crimson or pink. The second type has a soft and fluffy like a feather plume flower in shades of crimson, scarlet and gold. The third resembles a wheat head. Celosia is heat and drought tolerant but lack of steady moisture can stunt the plant. Blooms through summer. Thrives in a sunny location and well-drained soil. Celosia is suitable for patio planters and garden beds.
Height: 12-24" depending on the variety
Spacing: 18-20" depending on the variety
There are a lot of varieties with different height and color. It is valued highly for its shade tolerance, although it will grow in sun if the soil is high in moisture or if watered regularly. It thrives in rich, moist, well-drained soil.
Read MoreColeus is sensational massed in garden beds, as well as used as an accent or focal point in patio planters or garden beds.
- Dwarf – 6-12"
- Tall – up to 3'
Spacing: 12-24"
Dahlias are summer blooming tuberous plants in an array of different colors, shapes and sizes. There are a lot of cultivated varieties of dahlias, ranging in Height from 12" to as tall as 6-8’.
Read MoreThe flowers can be as small as 2" or up to a foot in diameter. Requires full sun and will tolerate most soil types, as long as it has good drainage. Dahlias are excellent cut flowers. They are suitable for patio planters, window boxes and garden beds.
Height: 12-36"
Spacing: 6-24" -
Summer flowers provide rich color and sweet fragrance over a long season. Available in shades of red, rose and white. Requires full sun and thrives in fertile, well drained soil kept evenly moist. Used in rock gardens, beds and borders.
Read MoreHeight: 8"
Spacing: 9" -
This lovely, delicate plant, member of the snapdragon family, flowers abundantly throughout the summer. The flower is shaped with a large drooping lower lip and four smaller curly petals at the top. Requires a sunny position and well-drained soil. It is excellent for patio planters and window boxes.
Read MoreHeight: 6-14"
Spacing: 8-10" -
Dusty Miller
Wonderful contrast plant with silvery white leaves. Requires sun to part sun and regular watering. Used in borders, beds, gardens and mixed containers as an accent.
Read MoreHeight: 6-10"
Spacing: 10-12" -
Distinctive downward facing flowers make this trailing plant ideal for hanging baskets. The flowers, often in bi-color, appear in shades of red, pink, white and purple.
Read MoreRequires sun to partial shade. Even though it is a tropical plant, it does not tolerate excessive heat. Do not allow to dry out. Attracts hummingbirds. Great for window boxes and hanging baskets.
Height: 8-24"
Spacing: 14-24" -
Gazania produces an abundance of 4-inch daisy like flowers that close on cloudy days and compact 12-inch high dark green rosettes of leaves. Tolerates drought, heat and humidity.
Read MoreRequires full sun and it is easy to grow even in poor, sandy soils. Blooms in spring or summer depending on the variety and location. It is excellent for beds, borders or ground cover.
Height: 6-12"
Spacing: 12-15" -
This low maintenance annual produces masses of flowers from spring through frost. Geranium blooms in a wide range of colors – white, pink, salmon, lavender, magenta and all shades of red.
Read MoreThere are a few types of geraniums: zonal, ivy (trailing), Regal (Martha Washington) and scented. Zonals have upright, bushy habit, reaching 1-3’. Ivy geraniums have trailing habit and glossy ivy shaped leaves. Regal geraniums have large, showy flower clusters and wavy-edged leaves. Regals bloom in early spring when night temperatures remain below 60 degrees. All types require full sun and well-drained soil. Geraniums are great for patio planters, window boxes, hanging baskets and garden beds, either massed or in combinations.
Height: 12-24"
Spacing: 10-24" -
Gerbera Daisy
Brilliant daisies in a variety of colors. Requires sun to part sun and regular watering. It is excellent as cut flower, in containers or at garden’s edge.
Read MoreHeight: 6-12"
Spacing: 8-15" -
Popular shade lover, not only does it have an extensive range of colors, but it flowers nonstop all summer. The mound- shaped plants are classified as dwarf (1’), medium (2’) or tall (3’ or more) and spread to several times their mature Height.
Read MoreThe flowers are small but numerous; color choices include white, crimson, pink, salmon, scarlet, orchid, rose and orange, and a range of bi-colors. Some varieties have double flowers. Although famous for its vibrant, prolonged displays in shade, impatiens will also grow in part sun provided that soil is cool and moist.
Height: 6-8"
Spacing: 12-24" -
This vigorous, spreading vine also known as sweet potato vine has an attractive foliage and is available in shades of green, red, bronze, dark purple, tricolor and variegated.
Read MoreIt could be grown either in full sun or shade and requires regular watering. It is excellent for mixed patio planters, hanging baskets and garden beds.
Height: 4-14"
Spacing: 10-30" -
Lantana is a shrubby verbena like annual which blooms profusely throughout the summer. It comes in shades of white, yellow, gold, orange, fuchsia and red, some are in bi-color.
Read MoreRequires full sun and well-drained soil. Frost sensitive. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Great for mixed patio planters, window boxes, hanging baskets.
Height: 9-36"
Spacing: 10-24" -
Lobelia is a low-growing, compact, spreading annual which produces masses of small vibrant flowers in shades of white, pink, blue and purple. Requires cool location with full sun, partial sun or shade and regular watering.
Read MoreBlooms from spring through fall. Excellent for rock gardens, edging, hanging baskets and patio planters.
Height: 4-12"
Spacing: 6-14" -
Marigolds are easy to grow and have a long flowering period. There are two varieties of Marigolds, characterized by their growing habit: African and French. African marigolds have an upright growth and can reach Height of 30"-40."
Read MoreTheir scent is strong and unpleasant therefore effective in repelling many garden pests. The African comes in shades of yellow and orange. French marigolds grow to only 8-16" and are often multicolored in shades of yellow, orange, mahogany and crimson. Both varieties require full sun and regular watering.Marigolds are suitable for garden beds and containers.
- African – 16-24"
- French – 8-16"
Spacing: 8-16" depending on variety
Nemesia resembles snapdragon to which it is related. It grows up to 1" tall, with sparsely branched plants. The flowers form large clusters on top of thin erect stems. Nemesia is available in shades of white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple and few multi-colored. Requires full sun and regular watering.
Read MoreThrives in fertile, well drained soil. Its light, airy texture makes this plant ideal for hanging baskets, mixed containers and window boxes.
Height: 6-14"
Spacing: 8-12" -
New Guinea Impatiens
This upright compact bushy annual has long and narrow, green, bronze or purple leaves and a profusion of flowers, growing up to 2" in diameter in shades of white, pink, salmon, orange, red, lavender and purple. Requires sun to part shade and thrives in rich, moist, well-drained soil.
Read MoreGreat for garden beds and borders, either massed or in combination, also suitable for patio planters and hanging baskets.
Height: 10-14"
Spacing: 6-10" -
Fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers in shades of white, pink, red, purple and green grow on slender stems. Requires sun to partial shade and generous watering during hot dry weather.
Read MoreAttracts humming birds. Suitable for containers and garden beds.
Height: 1-3’depending on the variety
Spacing: 8-36"depending on the variety -
Attractive upright or trailing plant with dark green foliage and daisy like flowers in a wide range of colors. The flowers open fully in direct sun and close in the evenings. Requires full sun and moist well-drained soil. Attracts butterflies. It is excellent for hanging basket, patio planters as well as garden beds, either massed or in combinations.
Read MoreHeight: 6-24"
Spacing: 8-24" -
Large, brilliantly colored flowers, some fragrant, grow on compact, cold hardy plants. Requires sun to part shade. Thrives in fertile, well-drained soil and cool temperatures. It blooms in early spring and will bloom again in fall. Used in borders and window boxes.
Read MoreHeight: 6-8"
Spacing: 6-8" -
Dark green, lance-shaped leaves provide a backdrop for clusters of starry flowers. Requires full sun and excellent drainage. Drought tolerant. Flowers continuously from spring to autumn. Attracts butterflies and dark pink varieties - hummingbirds. Great in patio planters, baskets and borders.
Read MoreHeight: 18-24"
Spacing: 10-18" -
Masses of vividly-hued blooms float above rounded, compact foliage. It will tolerate low temperatures outside in early spring. Requires full sun to partial shade and regular watering. Great for patio planters and garden beds.
Read MoreHeight: 15-23"
Spacing: 10-14" -
An abundance of large trumpet shaped flowers bloom all summer. Petunia is available in almost every color imaginable, including bi-color. Requires sun to partial sun and well-drained soil. Excellent for patio planters, massed or in combinations; window boxes and garden beds.
Read MoreHeight: 12-15"
Spacing: 9-12" -
A low, ground-hugging, succulent from the semi desert regions of South America, portulaca spreads 3 feet or more, yet rarely exceeds 6" in Height. Portulaca covers itself with cupped single or semi-double flowers resembling miniature roses. Colors include white, yellow, orange, magenta, pink, red, salmon and purple; petals have an attractive sheen.
Read MoreRequires full sun and medium watering. Heat and drought tolerant. Used in beds and borders, as well as rock gardens.
Height: 2-6"
Spacing: 6-8" -
This spiky annual with a cluster of flowers on top comes in shades of white, salmon, red, blue and purple. Requires sun to partial shade and regular watering. Blooms late spring to fall. It is great for mixed patio planters and garden beds, either massed or in combinations.
Read MoreHeight: 12-36"
Spacing: 8-10" -
Scaevola or also known as fan flower because of its flowers shape, comes in shades of white, blue and pink and has a trailing habit. It is a low maintenance, heat and drought tolerant annual.
Read MoreRequires full sun and well-drained soil. Blooms from spring through frost. It is excellent for patio planters, window boxes and hanging baskets.
Height: 8-12"
Spacing: 10-12" -
The classic snapdragon is a spire up to 4 feet tall, with tubular flowers studded along the top third of the stem. Snapdragon varieties are classified by Height, in tall, medium and dwarf categories.
Read MoreColors include white, yellow, orange, red, pink and a range of bi-colors. Snapdragons are hardy annuals and can be transplanted outdoors several weeks before the last frost. Require a sunny location in a rich, well-drained soil and regular watering. Excellent for patio planters and garden beds.
Height: 4-24"
Spacing: 6-16" -
Torenia forms a compact bushy mound with profusion of similar to snapdragon flowers with distinctive yellow marks on the petals.
Read MoreThe most common shade is blue, but colors also include white, yellow, pink and violet. Requires partial shade. Thrives in rich, moist, well-drained soil. Blooms all summer. Attracts hummingbirds. It is excellent for patio planters, window boxes and hanging baskets.
Height: 2-14"
Spacing:6-12" -
Most Verbena hybrids are low-growing, spreading plants with dark serrated leaves and flowers arranged in clusters of primrose-like florets, up to 21/2 “ inches across. Colors include white, blue, red and pink, some with contrasting eye. Requires full to part sun and regular watering to maintain continuous bloom.
Read MoreThrives in any soil with good drainage. Excellent as a groundcover in beds and borders, also great in window boxes, hanging baskets or patio planters for creating a cascading effect.
Height: 4-12"
Spacing:8-14" -
This low growing compact annual has dainty fragrant flowers in an array of colors and blooms profusely through spring. Viola fades away in the hottest days of summer, but will bloom again in fall.
Read MoreIt requires full to partial sun and will grow in any type of soil. It is suitable for patio planters and garden beds.
Height: 4-12"
Spacing: 6-18" -
Native to semi desert areas of Mexico, zinnia relishes the heat and dislikes cool, wet summers. It comes in a wide range of colors and hues and is classified by Height as dwarf (12"), medium (20") or tall (30"). The flowers can be as small as 1-2 inches across or as big as 7 inches, depending on the variety.
Read MoreRequires sunny spot and fertile, well-drained soil. It blooms from summer till frost. The large dahlias like flower heads are excellent for patio planters and garden beds, as well as cut flowers.
Height: 12-30"
Spacing: 10-14"
Read More
Hardy, easy to grow perennial. Yarrow are drought, wind and heat tolerant and grow well in almost any soil type. Flowers are produced from summer to early fall and the blooms are attractive to pollinators.Excellent for borders as well as arrangement both fresh and dried.
Light:USDA Hardiness Zone 4-9
Height: 12-30"
Spacing: 12-18"
Available Varieties:
Desert Eve Deep Rose
Desert Eve Red
Desert Eve Terracotta
Desert Eve Yellow
Versatile perennial that is excellent in the border or grown in summer containers. Hyssop flowers are attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. The foliage is wonderfully scented and can be smelled throughout the garden.
Read MoreRequires full sun and well-drained soil. It is great for mixed borders, mass plantings and containers.
Light: Full Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone 5-9
Height: 18-36"
Spacing: 12-24"
Available Varieties:
Kudos Ambrosia
Kudos Mandarin
Kudos Yellow
Clusters of blue star-shaped flowers in late spring. Deep green thread-leaf feathery foliage turns bright rich yellow in fall. Excellent when mixed in borders to provide texture and color all through the growing season. It is best when massed.
Read MoreIt requires full to part sun. Attracts butterflies.
Light: Full to Part SunUSDA Hardiness Zone 4-9
Height: 2-3'
Space: 2-3'
The delicate flowers of Columbine form a star of outer petals that surround an inner ring with yellow centers. Some flowers have spurs that project out behind the blossoms and others have no spurs and are double blossomed. Perfect in naturalized areas or woodland settings.
Read More
USDA Hardiness Zone 3-9Available Varieties:
Tequila Sunrise
Burgundy and White
Swan Blue and White
Swan Pink and Yellow
Swan Red and White
Swan Yellow
Clementine Blue
Clementine White
False Indigo provides an eye-catching presence in the garden. Blue green foliage is topped with spires of lupine-like flowers in the spring. Exceptionally long-lived and requires little maintenance when established. Black seedpods appear after the flowers-attractive in dried arrangements.
Read MoreLight:
USDA Hardiness Zone 4-9
Height: 2-3'
Spacing: 2-3'
Bluebeard shrubs are covered with clusters of delicate blue flowers from late summer to early frost providing color to summer borders and beds. Scented foliage is an added bonus. Drought tolerant deciduous shrub and virtually maintenance free. Colorful, long blooming, carefree and easy to grow.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun.
USDA Hardiness Zone 5-9
Height: 2-3'
Spacing: 2-3'
Available Varieties:
Black Knight
Versatile perennial performers, providing a
wide range of flower colors, shapes and uses.
Most Bellflower varieties offer a long bloom
time and are easy maintenance. Plants range
from mounding habits to upright growers.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone 4-9
Height: 12-30”
Spacing: 12-18”
Bluebeard shrubs are covered with clusters of delicate blue flowers from late summer to early frost providing color to summer borders and beds. Scented foliage is an added bonus. Drought tolerant deciduous shrub and virtually maintenance free. Colorful, long blooming, carefree and easy to grow.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone 5-9
Height: 2-3’
Spacing: 2-3’
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Pavillion Blue
Pavillion Pink
Tickseed is superb in beds and borders. Long blooming daisy-like flowers in various shapes and colors are produced from early summer into fall. Requires little maintenance and blooms over a long period. Will naturalize with ease and will attract lots of butterflies and birds to the garden.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 1-2’
Spacing: 1-2’
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Lightning Bug
Tough performing perennial that thrives in
dry, full sun areas and even in poor soil.
Dense succulent foliage, and produce masses
of frilly, shimmering flowers over a long
period. Choice plant for rock gardens or dry containers.
It attracts butterflies.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 3-8”
Spacing: 12-18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Wheels of Wonder Fire Wonder
Wheels of Wonder Golden Wonder
Wheels of Wonder Orange Wonder
Eye-catching colorful flower spikes add a majestic touch to your garden. Taller varieties will require staking, while shorter types will be fine without any additional support. Perennial Larkspur plants make exceptional cut flowers and will attract hummingbirds.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 1-5’
Spacing: 12-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
White with Dark Bee
Pacific Giant Astolat
Pacific Giant Black Bird
Pacific Giant Black Knight
Pacific Giant Percival
Feature flowers of nodding bells that resemble hearts on graceful arching stems. Dicentra are perfect perennials for a shady spot and will start blooming in the cool of spring. Wonderful when planted in groups beneath larger trees and shrubs.
Read MoreLight: Part to Full Shade
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 2-3’
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Classic plants for cottage garden. Blooms
range in colors from creamy yellow, pink,
rose to maroon. The tall flower spikes with
charming tubular flowers of Foxglove add
both height and vertical accent to your
garden and do not require staking. Attracts
hummingbirds and bees and are deer resistant.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 2-4’
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Pink Panther
Showy flowers in shades or white, purple and
red. Versatile in the garden, long-blooming,
attracts butterflies, and makes excellent cut
flowers. Seeds from the center cone are a food
source for songbirds.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 12-18”
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Big, mounding flower heads that are typically
white, shades of pink and occasionally violetpurple.
The flowers are loaded with nectar
and pollen that attract native bees, honeybees
and butterflies. Wonderful in mixed borders or
used in large containers.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 2-4’
Spacing: 2-4’
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Spectacular daisy-like flowers with colorful
petals that bloom from summer to fall. An
easy-care, heat and drought tolerant perennial
with a nice, mounding habit.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 18"
Spacing: 18-24"
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Mariachi copper Sun
Orange Halo
Red Sunburst
Yellow Touch
Magnificent sprays of warm yellow blossoms are produced in mid to late summer. Attractive to butterflies. Blooms for a long period of time and when many other summer perennials have stopped flowering.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 18-30”
Spacing: 12-18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Festuca "Elijah Blue"
A tidy perennial grass with a rounded spiky growth habit and narrow pale-blue foliage. Great for edging borders, rock gardens and along walkways. Provides good colour contrast in mass plantings, even in containers. Drought-tolerant once established.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 12"
Spacing: 12-18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’
Clumping perennial grass with an upright growth habit. Spikes of flowers above the foliage in summer turn tan as they age. Use for vertical accent, in borders or in mass plantings.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 3-4’
Spacing: 3'
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Daylilies are a dependable easy to grow perennial - a favorite in the garden. Known for their abundance of flowers, vibrant colors, and hardiness in a variety of climates and soils. Beloved by butterflies and hummingbirds.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 1-2’
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
An old-fashioned, dependable garden plant. The tall spires of Hollyhock plants are covered with large frilled flowers in beautiful colors. Typically biennial, allow seeds to fall and the clump will persist for many years with little to no maintenance.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 2-5'
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Lamium plants are a perfect deer resistant groundcover to brighten a partly sunny toemi-shady spot. Vigorous but not invasive and produce dainty snapdragon-like flowers in colors from white, to pink to purple. Attractive two-toned foliage provides interest even when the flowers are not in bloom.
Read MoreLight: Part Shade
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 6-12”
Spacing: 12-18”
3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Pink Pewter
White Nancy
Long-lasting, very hardy popular perennial. Free flowering plants have daisy blooms in a wide range of colors, shapes and sizes. Use this easy-to-grow variety of a garden favorite in containers, and perennial or wildflower gardens.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 1-3’
Spacing: 1-2’
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
White Lion
An old-fashioned perennial with unique blooms in a wide range of colors. Attractive to bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Known as Bee Balm. Deer resistant.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 2-3'
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Fragrant perennial that makes a lovely border plant, great for a rock gardens or for a tasty treat for cats. Nepeta are smothered with flowers in summer. Catmint has been used to make herbal tea as well as medicinal tonics, but it is most well known for its spectacular and long garden display.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 1-3’
Spacing: 12-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Junior Walker
Spikes of bright blue flowers and evergreen foliage, is one of the easiest-to-grow Penstemon. Long-lived, this beauty thrives in most any well-drained soil with full sun exposure. Drought tolerant when established.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 2’
Spacing: 3'
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
A shrub-like perennial with silvery foliage and stems bear airy blossoms of lavender and blue tones. Blooming in late summer, Perovskia fills a time when most of the garden is resting with color. The aromatic foliage is delightful and makes it extremely deer resistant. Prefers a hot, dry site in the garden.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 2-3’
Spacing: 2-3'
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Upright, clumping forming perennial that has green spectacular summer blooms. Highly fragrant, flowers appear in clusters in midsummer.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Spacing: 18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Wonderful, free flowering daisies in cheerful colors ranging from yellow to bronze to mahogany and some bicolors. They are perfect in beds and borders or in mixed containers. Excellent cut flowers and attract masses of pollinators.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 1-3’
Spacing: 1-2’
3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Autumn Colors
Cherry Brandy
Indian Summer
Prairie Sun
Easy-to-grow perennials for a summer show of intense color especially when planted in groups. The flowers attract butterflies and are also very deer resistant. Meadow Sage responds well to shearing after blooming to promote a new flush of flowers.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3-9
Height: 1-2’
Spacing: 1-2’
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
May Night
Snow Hill
One of the longest flowering perennials. Multiple pincushion shaped flowers produced all season on wiry stems and are available in pink, white, blue and purple. Very compact with ferny blue-grey foliage. A garden favorite. Although it looks delicate, it is a durable perennial.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 12-18”
Spacing: 12-18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Butterfly Blue
Pink Mist
A low growing perennial that forms an evergreen mat with small spiky bright-yellow succulent foliage. Yellow flowers in summer. Useful in rock gardens, edging along borders or in containers. Drought-tolerant once established.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Height: 6"
Spacing: 18-24”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Neat tidy plants that are beautiful in or out of flower. Blossoms provide rich blue, purple, pink or white shades of long-lasting color. Speedwell are carefree and easy to grow perennials that prefer well-drained soil with full to part sun. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Read MoreLight: Full to Part Sun
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Height: 1-3’
Spacing: 12-18”
Water: 3-4 times a week
Use all-purpose fertilizer
Available Varieties:
Giles Van Hees
Royal Candles